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​Lisa Valsamedis

Spiritual Medium | Intuitive Healer

Welcome!  The sacred and time honored art of Table Tipping is a successful tool in helping heal and release grief.  Loved ones in spirit will communicate with their friends and family members through the table with Lisa’s assistance.  Energies and ancestors collectively join, working together to physically move the table.  As an Evidential Medium, Lisa will provide verification of the continuity of life by delivering detailed empowering messages with compassion, empathy and often humor in a modern and fresh approach.  You will feel the presence of your spirit family as you’ve never felt it before!

Table Tipping… Spiritual Enlightenment at Your Fingertips

SPIRITUAL TABLE TIPPING OPENS a door to another world



  • Communicating directly with family, friends & pets who have passed on

  • Gaining knowledge from your higher self, angels, spirit guides & ascended masters

  • Receiving clarity and enlightenment on emotional, physical & spiritual levels

  • Seeking guidance regarding specific life challenges and issues including careers, relationships, health, finances, life’s direction & spiritual path

  • Uncovering and learning about your past lives

  • Unblocking anything that may be getting in the way of living your full potential

  • Validating information you have received from a vision, hunch, meditation or dream


Table Tipping is hands on and highly interactive.  Clients are encouraged to seek clarity and ask questions that serve their highest good.  Spirit wants to assist us in our healing, spiritual growth and development!  Table Tipping is not fortune telling.  You have free will and are in control of your choices and your life’s direction at all times.  Imagine feeling empowered to make clear choices about your physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.  There is no limit to the levels of awareness you can achieve!


Lisa offers in person readings in the Central New Jersey region along the lovely Jersey shore.



What if someone told you there is a way to directly contact and communicate with your departed loved ones?  You’d probably say you have to see it to believe it.  You may have seen mediums in person or on television talk to those on the other side.  Table Tipping takes this to another level!  It is a tangible form of mediumship which give you the opportunity to directly ask questions and receive immediate responses from Spirit through me.  The table is a tool which allows me to act as a bridge between the spiritual world and our day-to-day physical world bringing in insight and positive messages of love & light.


what i do

meet lisa

A reading is a process between Spirit, myself and the client.  Most healers offer each of their different healing modalities in separate sessions.  What I offer is unique for the reason that it is a beautiful blend of evidential mental mediumship, physical mediumship, psychic/intuitive guidance and energy healing.  Table work provides my clients with whatever they need at that given time.  Spirit knows your wants and needs and will communicate for your highest good.  As a Spiritual Medium and Intuitive Healer, I act as a conduit or vessel between the physical and spirit worlds.  By working with my guides, those in spirit are able to convey information and messages to me telepathically and through the use of all my senses known as “clairs” enabling me to mentally see, hear, feel, smell, taste and especially know things.

The ability to actually interact with and feel the essence and presence of your loved ones, recognize their signature moves and even feel their hugs are amazing advantages of Table Tipping!  Since laughter and joy are such tremendous healing energies, Spirit will often encourage us to "lighten up" with them. After all, laughter really is the best medicine.


Imagine reliving memories of your father's awkward dance routines, your child's happy antics or your furry friend's eager tail wag.  Or newly experiencing an Ascended Master's powerful healing energy or maybe advice from your own or a loved one's higher self.   Spirit is very excited knowing that their presence is felt and they are being acknowledged.  No two sessions are alike and I continue to be humbled and amazed by what happens at table and how other people respond to it.  As Forrest Gump famously quoted, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get".  The same is true with Table Tipping.  Seeing is truly believing!


The energetic support that is created during Table Tipping is immensely healing and is always sent out to do good for the earth and all mankind.  It is an honor to share in the healing process that this form of communication brings.  My mission in life is to do this work evidentially and in God’s love and light.  I look forward to supporting you on your personal journey towards wellness and enlightenment!


"For what it's's never too late, or in my case too early to be whoever you want to be.  There's no time limit, stop whenever you want.  You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing.  We can make the best or worst of it.  I hope you make the best of it.  And I hope you see things that startle you.  I hope you feel things you never felt before.  I hope you meet people with a different point of view.  I hope you live a life you're proud of.  If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." 

F. Scott fitzgerald

kind words from

my beautiful clients

"I have known Lisa Valsamedis for three years and can affirm that she is an outstanding medium with many natural gifts, including bringing through a lot of evidence of your loved one in Spirit. Her presence makes you feel nurtured and safe. She is also trustworthy and a very confidential person, and coupled with all her gifts, this makes her someone worth getting any kind of service from, but especially a mediumship reading. When Lisa told me she was table tipping, I was so intrigued and couldn't wait to receive a reading from her, knowing that her readings are accurate with lots of good evidence. I chose to place my hands on table with her and felt the energy in the table tilt and move. Prior to this, at the back of mind, I had some table tipping skepticism, but once the table moved and Lisa started bringing through evidence of my loved ones in a synchronized way with the movements of the table, I was a true believer. Spirit speaks to Lisa through this table, no doubt in my mind. She brought through various relatives and also George Michael (!) who Lisa could not have known was my teenage idol crush from the 1980’s. It was amazing, there were lots of laughs and fun and light-heartedness in the table movement that I didn’t expect.  The experience was utterly delightful and very meaningful and I recommend it to anyone who wants to experience the same.  Simply said, I highly recommend everyone meet with the table tipping medium, Lisa Valsamedis!"

Georgia Marantos 


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